Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 8, 2007

One egg muffin

Morning snack:
One cheese stick
20 peanuts

London broil leftovers

Afternoon snack:
One cheese stick

Pre-shopping snack that was meant to be afternoon snack but I had a meeting:
A shitload of celery
Two Laughing Cow low-fat garlic cheeses (even better than cream cheese!)

1 1/2 pieces of balsamic chicken
A metric fuck ton of green beans

Before bed yummy:
One dark chocolate Dove promise

Ounces of water:
Over 100

An excellent day!!

Today's thought to keep in mind:
Old Navy is getting rid of it's in-store women's plus sizes, reducing by about 50% where I buy my clothes. Must get into "normal" sizes so I can cover myself!

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